The Criminal Justice Certificate is an interdisciplinary certificate in which you take courses from a variety of departments. Because of this, not all courses are listed on the “select from section” of your dars report. Please refer to the list below for the most accurate list of courses offered that fulfill certificate requirements. If a course indicates a dars exception is needed, it means that the course will not automatically show up on your dars report if enrolled. Advisors will process dars exceptions for the courses below on November 19, 2024. If you add a course after this date that needs a dars exception, please email
Group 1 – Criminal Justice System
Legal St./Soc 131: Criminal Justice in America
Group 2 – Theories of Crime and Deviant Behavior
Psych 526/586: The Criminal Mind
Psych 601: Psych of Juvenile Delinquency—Seniors only, Capstone Psych Course (dars exception needed)
Social Work 612: Psychopathology in Generalist Social Work Practice
Sociology 441: Criminology
Sociology 496: Serial Killers in America (dars exceptions needed)
Group 3 – Crime and Justice/Operations of the Justice System
Legal St./Hist 235: Prisons: From Antiquity to Supermax (dars exception needed)
**Legal St. 400/Soc 496: Race, Family and the State
Legal St./Soc/GWS 425: Crime, Gender & Justice
**Legal St./Af.Am. 435: Civil Rights
**Legal St.400/Soc 496: Incarceration and Inequality (dars exception needed)
Psych 601: Issues in Prisoner Re-Entry (dars exception needed)
Group 4 – Broader Psycho/Social/Economic Process Related to Criminal Justice
Econ 690: Economics of Crime (ECON 301 or 311 pre req) (dars exception needed)
**History 143: History of Race and Inequality in Urban America
**Human Development & Family St 474: Racial Ethnic Families in U.S. (Ethnic St)
Legal St. 135: Disability and the Criminal Justice System
Legal St. 422: Women and the Law
**Legal St./ChicLa/Soc 443: Immigration, Crime & Enforcement (Ethnic St)
Legal St. 444: Law in Action
Legal St. 477: History of Forensic Science
Psychology 405: Adult Psychopathology
**Pub Affr 520: Inequality, Race and Public Policy (Ethnic St.) (dars exception needed)
Social Work 375: Pwr Poss, SJ and Social Change (dars exception needed)
Social Work 453: Substance Use Disorders
Social Work 627: Sex Trafficking and Sex Trading
Social Work 646: Child Abuse and Neglect
**Sociology 578: Poverty and Place
Group 5 – Ethnography – Internship Prep
Com Arts 260: Communication and Human Behavior (dars exception needed)
Com Arts 266: Theory and Practice of Group Discussion (Comm B) (dars exception needed)
Comm Arts 272: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (Comm B) (dars exception needed)
Coun Psy 110: Human Resources Development: Career Strategies (dars exception needed)
Coun Psy 225: Intersectionalities- (Ethnic St)
Coun Psy 237: Mental Health, Self-Awareness, and Social Justice: Working in Diverse Communities
Coun Psy 525: Dimensions of Latin@ Mental Health Services
Coun Psy 655: Clinical Communication Skills
CSCS 125: Community and Social Change
ESL 200: Academic and Professional Speaking Skills for Undergraduate students
History 300: History at Work
Inter-HE 202: Careers and Leadership Dev (SOHE Majors only)
Inter-LS 210: L&S Career Development
Inter-LS 215: Communicating about Careers (Comm B)
Group 6 – Field Work/Internship Seminar:
Please note: these courses require advance preparation/permission to enroll per department
Legal St 694: Field Observation in Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
- Only available to students currently enrolled in pre-internship canvas site. If you have an internship for Spring 2025 and you are not enrolled in pre-internship canvas site, please email
- This course is 3 credits and offered every semester. Students are enrolled in legal studies 694 at the same time they are interning.
- In order to get permission to enroll in legal studies 694, students must participate in a pre-internship process that typically begins the semester before a student wants to enroll in legal studies 694 and intern.
Below are opportunities in other departments that will fulfill the Group 6 requirement. Please refer to each program’s requirements for admission:
ChicLa 329: Community Based Research
GEN&WS 660: Internship in Gender & Women’s Studies
GWS/Psych 322: Sexual & Relationship Violence Research & Activism (dars exception needed)
LACIS 440: Spanish: Immigration Law Clinic
Legal Studies 400: Tribal Court of Appeals (application required)
Legal Studies 473 (application required: link to website)
Political Science 315: Legislative Internship
Public Affairs 327: Administrative Internship
Social Work 401: Field Practice and Integrative Seminar
**For students who declared Fall 2023 and later, one course of the above should focus on race/justice studies. This is marked by **