Giving Back

Opportunities for Giving Back

The Center for Law, Society and Justice depends on the support of alumni and friends to enhance our programs. Contributions of both time and funds are important ways to help us provide our students with a high quality education and build community partnerships.

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Serve as a Mentor

Our mentorship program matches current undergraduates in the Legal Studies Program and the Criminal Justice Certificate Program with alumni and community partners who provide career guidance and networking opportunities. The time commitment is flexible. If you are interested in serving as a mentor for one of our undergraduates, please contact Martine Delannay at

You can find more details on our Mentoring Page.

Help us Partner with Your Agency

Internships provide students with a valuable out-of-classroom learning experience. Each summer approximately 85 undergraduates in the Criminal Justice Certificate Program participate in 300 hour/10 week summer internships in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota. If you are interested in helping us partner with your agency or organization, please contact Carolyn Lesch at

Become a Financial Supporter

Make a Donation Online

Make a Donation by Mail

Your gifts will allow us to provide scholarships and support for students who participate in summer internships and independent research, host an annual reception for graduates, undergraduates, alumni, and faculty, expand our mentorship program, and enhance program offerings. All gifts, large and small, are greatly appreciated.

Read about how our students benefited from your gifts

Contact our Foundation Representative

For help in making a gift to the Center for Law, Society, & Justice, or to discuss further giving opportunities, please contact our UW Foundation representative:

Ann Lippincott
Managing Director of Development Relations, College of Letters & Science
University of Wisconsin Foundation
1848 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53726 USA

Tel: 608-263-3604
Fax: 608-263-0781