Declare the Major

In order to declare, students must complete all of the following with grades of C or better:

  • Complete one Communication A* course;
  • Complete one Quantitative Reasoning A* course; and
  • Complete one “Gateway Course” chosen from the list below:
    • Legal St./Soc 131: Criminal Justice in America
    • Legal St./Poli Sci 217: Law, Politics and Society

*Students may be exempt from COMM-A by their English Placement Score and from QR-A by their Math Placement Score

Process to Declare the Major

  1. Complete the form to declare legal studies or make an appointment with an advisor via StarFish.
  2. All forms will be processed by 5pm on Friday on the week they were submitted. Should you meet declaration requirements, you will receive an email confirming you have declared.
  3. If you do not meet declaration requirements, you will receive an email explaining the requirements you must meet before declaring.
  4. If you meet declaration requirements and you are adding legal studies to a major outside of the College of Letters & Science, you will receive an email with further steps.

If you have any questions about declaring or the major, please make an appointment with an advisor via StarFish.