Faryn Cramer

2023 recipient of the Audrey J. Harris Summer Internship Award


Interned at Office of Crime Victim Services at the WI Department of Justice

I interned in the Office of Crime Victim Services at the WI Department of Justice, specifically on the Crime Victim Compensation team. This program allows victims of violent crimes to receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, counseling, etc. that occurred due to a crime. My job was to read police reports for these incidents, and help the specialists determine if a victim was eligible for compensation. There are WI statutes that govern the office, so we would follow these to decide if we could pay out or not. My favorite part of the job is that it is a part of the justice system that is victim centered. The whole purpose of the office is to help people and bring justice! Overall, I read hundreds of police reports, presented eligibility claims at weekly team meetings, attended hearings, answered victim phonelines, and gained countless workplace skills. Thank you once again to the Audrey Harris Family!