Kagan McCarty

2018 recipient of the Audrey J. Harris Summer Internship Award


Interned at the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation, Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center

This will be my final year at UW-Madison, I will be graduating this upcoming May with a degree in Psychology and minor in Criminal Justice. Throughout my time at UW-Madison I have had many opportunities and have gained so much experience. In my time here I have been a member of the UW Marching Band, an undergraduate researcher with the Devine Prejudice & Intergroup Relations Lab and the Curtin Addiction Lab, as well as had the amazing opportunity to work with the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

This past summer I had the opportunity to be a part of the team at the Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center (a mouthful to say the least). WSIC functions as a statewide agency that shares intelligence from a local to federal level, aiding in intelligence gathering, analyzing, and disseminating. This summer I had the opportunity to be a part of this process and create national intelligence products and partake in statewide investigations.

Interning with WSIC has changed my life. The opportunities and experience that I received does not compare to anything I have been a part of in my entire life. The amount of knowledge and information I have learned has been off the charts and I couldn’t begin to imagine where I would be today without this internship. This experience has truly helped me direct my career path towards that of civil service; I plan to pursue possible careers in the federal justice system and hopefully work in the intelligence community.

I am extremely grateful to the Audrey J. Harris family for helping support me through this amazing opportunity. The family’s generous scholarship lifted a weight off my shoulders and truly allowed me to fully immerse myself during my time with the Department of Justice. It is with pride that I say I got my internship extended, and I truly believe that the time and energy I was able to put in that granted me that extension could not have happened without the help from this family.