Taylor Rock

2020 recipient of the Audrey J. Harris Summer Internship Award

Interned with Mendota Mental Health Institute

I am incredibly thankful that I was able to complete my summer internship in person at Mendota Mental Health Institute this summer! I worked closely with a pre-doctoral intern on a maximum-security competency unit observing psychological assessments and treatment plan review sessions. Additionally, I was able to spend a good deal of time reviewing past patients’ records to collect statistics for a summer research project looking into what factors may lead a patient to be found not competent and not likely to become competent within the statutory period. Overall, I learned so much about the legal system, specifically what it means to be found incompetent in court and what it takes to be treated back to competency.

This internship has allowed me to make connections and get my foot in the door within the professional legal field. I am debating on whether I want to attend graduate school or law school, and this summer has cleared up a lot of questions I had about forensic psychology. I am going into my senior year of undergrad and hope to find some legal experience to learn more about law, and then make a decision from there regarding my future!