Gen&WS 660: Internship in Gender and Women’s Studies

Each spring GWS offers a 6-credit internship course available to GWS students through an application and interview process. Gen&WS 660: Internship in Gender and Women’s Studies is designed to provide students with opportunities for learning and working in organizations in ways that connect their coursework in gender and women’s studies to specific issues in community settings. The program provides a venue for students to put theory into practice, to participate in community-based organizations, to engage in a service-learning course and to think critically and reflect on participating as feminists in activism. Open to Gender & Women’s Studies Major and Certificate students only.

To obtain an internship, students are required to participate in a GWS departmental internship fair where they are matched with an internship. In order to obtain credit for the CJCP, students must submit a short descriptive email to the CJCP advisors indicating where they were placed and the content of the criminal justice related experience.

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